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college life

shaping college-aged people from all spiritual starting points into complete and equipped agents of the King

College Life is the college ministry of FBC. We gather as a large group on Tuesday nights on the UC Davis campus, in smaller groups called Growth Groups throughout the week and in a myriad of different special events. If you're a Freshman looking for a ride to church, we'd love to drive you (click here for a ride).

tuesday nights

college life

college life

Tuesdays 8pm @ Hart 1150

All college-aged people are welcome to join us on-campus for our Tuesday evening at 8pm for a time of worship, inspiration, and fellowship!

growth groups

The heart of the College Life experience is Growth Groups. Growth Groups exist for relationship-building, Bible Study, and good deeds in Jesus’ name. Contact us if you're interested in joining one!


  • Underclassman Thursdays @ 8pm, Meet in front of the Peet's by the ARC  

  • Upperclassman Thursdays @ 8pm, 2640 Portage Bay E Unit 25

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