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Discover Faith. Grow in Love. Live out Hope.

Welcome to FBC

We're glad you're here!

Worship Services on Sundays at 10 am

A Table for Learning (Luke 10:38-42)


A Table for Learning (Luke 10:38-42)Bronwyn Lea
00:00 / 01:04
Mexico Celebration Lunch

Mexico Celebration Lunch

Apr 13 @ After the Service

Easter Events

Easter Events



First Baptist Church of Davis is a local intergenerational church community of Christians from diverse backgrounds. We meet together in Davis, California on Sundays and throughout the week.

We seek to help everyone discover faith in Jesus, grow in love for God and others, and live as ambassadors of hope by the power of the Spirit.

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Sunday groups for birth-6th grade, summer camps, and more


weekly small groups and events to engage 7th-12th grade students


Tuesday night large group on-campus and weekly small groups

Young Adults

strengthening faith, enjoying fellowship, having fun


connect with other women


grow with other men Thursday mornings and at yearly events

What to expect on a Sunday Morning at FBC?


At our Sunday morning church worship service, you'll find that we are a diverse and multi-generational church community from all over Yolo County including the communities of Winters, Woodland, Dixon, Davis, West Sacramento, and students from UC Davis. Our church service typically includes times of praise, worship, scripture reading, and a sermon. From start to finish, our services tend to be just a little over an hour long. Teens and older should join us for our main service, while Nursery through 6th graders are invited to join age-specific classrooms each Sunday. Learn more about Sunday mornings at FBC.

What do we believe at First Baptist Church
of Davis California?


We are a local Christian church community full of people like you. We are disciples of Christ, seeking to help everyone discover faith in Jesus Christ, grow in our love for God and others, and to live as ambassadors of hope, through the power of the Spirit. We value being kingdom-minded, relational, prayerful, and applicable. Learn more about FBC's beliefs and values.

From Baptist churches to Evangelical churches to Protestant churches, we know there are many great bible based Churches in Davis and near UC Davis, and we are honored that you would spend time with us as we worship and grow. We look forward to meeting you, as we study the Word of God together.


Discover Faith, Grow in Love, Live out Hope

At First Baptist Church of Davis, you will hear us talk a lot about Faith, Love, and Hope. So what do we mean? And why do we believe theses three ideas are so important?

We desire for everyone to Discover Faith


Simply put, faith means to trust and believe. We want to help one another discover that Jesus is worth trusting and believing, from the first time we believe and through every season and aspect of life. Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection are the sturdy foundation on which our faith stands. Our Christian faith, then, is not religious observance or agreeing with a certain set of truths. It’s trusting and believing that Jesus is God’s King and our Savior that makes a faith which pleases God (Hebrews 11:6, John 6:29).

We want to Grow in Love


Jesus says the greatest measure of spirituality is one’s love for God and others (Matthew 22:36-40). It’s the kind of love God has extended to us in Jesus: an unconditional love marked by devotion and sacrificial action that goes beyond a warm and positive feeling. Once we receive and experience God’s kind of love, we are moved to replicate it and practice it until it becomes second nature in increasing measures. We love God, our neighbors, and our local community in everyday practical ways as a response to the love God first showed us.


We seek to Live out Hope


We believe there’s more life than this life: Jesus promised abundant life (John 10:10) and eternal life (John 3:16) to all who have faith in Him. What’s more: He’s promised to wrap all things in this world into a new heaven and new earth, one without pain or evil. Our lives here and now look forward to that ultimate reality, and much like an engaged couple look forward to being married and arrange their lives with that new relationship status and its priorities in sight: as a church we want to live lives rich in love, justice, and mercy as tastes of the future to come with God.

sundays in person

10 am

Local Church Worship service 

Children's programs

getting here

sundays online

Our services stream online at 10 am from YouTube.

38141 Russell Blvd Davis, CA 95616

First time visiting? Look for the bright green signs for the visitor's spots in our parking lot!

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