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  • Writer's pictureNeil Redenbaugh

Friendships and a few ways to form them

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

Have you used the adjectives sacred or holy to describe your friendships? I don't recall if I ever have, but listen to Eugene Peterson describe friendship: “Friendship is a much underestimated aspect of spirituality. It’s every bit as significant as prayer and fasting. Like the sacramental use of water and bread and wine, friendship takes what’s common in human experience and turns it into something holy.” I hope that you have people in your life who are such holy friends. But if you read Peterson's words and you ache for more, then I pray that our good God will bless you with such friends and help you be this sort of friend to others.

Nudge: maybe you want to invite a potential friend to coffee this very week!

Our vision statement at FBC starts with, "We are a community...." A community where friendships grow, people are welcomed in, and relationships are filled with the holy and sacred love of God. These friendship are formed on Sunday mornings, in small groups, and so many other ways throughout the week.

Here a few ways that we as a church community are gathering as friends. I hope you're able to join in, invite a neighbor or two, and deepen your friendships!

1. Neighbors Night Out

Our city is facilitating block parties! Go to the City website here to see where the closest one is. And if you don't live near by, you can simply invite your neighbors to a little block party of your own!

2. Trunk or Treat, October 30th in our parking lot!

It's a kid-friendly, college-student friendly, adult-friendly time! Your household, neighbors, and friends are welcome. Sign up here to decorate your vehicle trunk and hand out candy (there will be prizes for the funniest, most interactive, and most creative cars). You can also help with our candy drive! Candy collection boxes are just outside the Worship Center and in the Family Hub. Please bring a bag of individually packaged goodies over the next few weeks so we can adequately stock all our trunks!

Nothing says "holy and sacred friendship" like candy.

Let's say hello, and help one another to taste and see God's goodness through community.

Grateful for you,

Neil Redenbaugh

Adult and Family Pastor



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