growing together
Homegroups provide the best place to experience meaningful community and growth to become more like Jesus. We meet in homes across Yolo County to grow together on our faith journey, develop deep friendships, and serve in our community.
unity in diversity
A distinguishing mark of FBC’s homegroups is their diversity. We gather in unity even though we have diverse political views, economic situations, interests and passions, religious backgrounds, spiritual nuances, life stages, and more. This diversity is a powerful avenue for experiencing the unity of Christian community. One example: some of our groups involve both adults and children. In those groups, children learn from watching adults grow in their faith and adults benefit from the fresh ways that kids approach their own young faith.
our homegroups
Contact Neil to join one of these groups or to start your own!
Tim's homegroup, Woodland, Sunday evenings
Tom and Kathy's homegroup, North Davis, Sunday evenings
Keith and Janet's homegroup, North Davis, Sunday evenings, online and Thursday mornings in person
Ryan and Lisa's homegroup, Woodland, Sunday evenings
Mike's homegroup, West Davis, Friday afternoons
Chris and Steph's homegroup, Central Davis, Monday evenings
Mark and Christina's homegroup, Tuesday afternoons, online
Doug and Kim's homegroup, Davis, Tuesday evenings
Joe and Jen's homegroup, West Davis, Wednesday evenings
Brad and Jo's homegroup, West Davis, Sunday afternoons
Jon and Susan, Nancy's homegroup, North Davis, Thursday evenings
Andan and Pat's homegroup, Davis, Thursday evenings
Moises and Lacy's homegroup, Thursday evenings, online
Chris and Shabnam's homegroup, Woodland, Sunday evenings
Celebrate Recovery, FBC Youth Center, Sunday evenings
connect with us

Bronwyn Lea
Pastor of Discipleship & Women
530.758.7100 x3

Neil Redenbaugh
Adult and Family Pastor
530.758.7100 x4