I have a theory that retreats are like birthday parties. Here are five things they have in common:
They happen once a year…
The food is excellent (and you don’t have to prepare it)...
You get to have fun with known friends and meet new friends-of-friends…
Singing might happen… and
We celebrate that maturing is happening!
Of course, they’re not exactly the same. Retreats are different from birthday parties because:
At birthdays, there is cake. On retreat, there are other treats without dangerous open flames.
You bring presents for birthday parties. But to be present for retreat (<== see what I did there?), you have to register.
Retreats—like birthday parties—take work to host and effort to attend. But it’s always worth it, because of the abundant community and core memories built during these times together. In just one retreat, we are likely to get deeper spiritual input and more delightful, genuine conversation than we might get in 6 months of regular church Sundays. Retreats are significant once-a-year opportunities for us to grow in love for God and one another.
At FBC, we plan the bulk of our retreats during the relatively quieter winter months so that more of our church family can enjoy these times together. Just this last weekend our high schoolers got to retreat together - check out the hope highlight below for fun pictures! We don’t want anyone to miss out… invite a neighbor friend, too! Here are the dates and links for more of these wonderful opportunities:
Fri 2/21 - Sun 2/23 College Life Winter Retreat
Fri 2/28 - Sat 3/1 Men’s Retreat
Sat 3/8 Kid’s Retreat (K - 6th Grade)
Fri 3/14 - Sat 3/15 Women’s Retreat
Click on any of the links to find out more of the what/where/when/how-much information… and then, you can sign up there! The earlier you register, the easier it is for us to plan the best possible retreats.
A retreat is also a great time to try out a new (or favorite) service opportunity: love cooking? Or helping people feel welcome? Or want to try your hand at graphic design or leading worship or speaking up front? Training and support will be provided. Retreat teams are planning this month so chat to a staff member or stop by the connect table on Sunday and let’s explore some options!!
We can’t wait to celebrate at these once-a-year gatherings with you and see what new friendships, memories, and deep truths God blesses us with as we retreat together.
Yours in retreat-excitement,
Bronwyn and Neil (your friendly neighborhood Discipleship Pastors)