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5 Things to STOP doing this Christmas

Writer's picture: Bronwyn LeaBronwyn Lea

Dear Church Family,

This is a time of year with “to-do” lists. And January is full of intentions to start new things. So, perhaps your heart—like mine—could do with a reminder of things you don’t need to do, and things you can stop. Sometimes we get so used to carrying something that even though we’re aware of life’s heaviness, it doesn’t occur to us to put that thing down. A mentor of mine is so good at helping me to reevaluate what we’re carrying, and lighten and rebalance our loads. Here are 5 things to you can let go of:

1. Stop doing things that aren’t working.

It sounds so basic, but it’s amazing how long we will continue to do the same old thing expecting a different result. Just because you’ve always done it that way doesn’t mean that’s the way you need to continue doing it. Maybe this year you don’t have to send out a Christmas card, or begrudgingly attend the event you always want to say no to. You can change your holiday traditions, and stop things that don’t serve your schedule, budget, or the changing wants and needs around you. Stopping those things makes space for starting things that do work.

2. Stop trying to change other people.

No one can change anyone but God. Changing people is the Holy Spirit’s job, not yours. No amount of persuasion, walking on eggshells, cleverly presented information or good intentions can change the human heart. Focus on letting the Holy Spirit change you.

3. Stop trying to please everybody.

The truth is you are never going to please everybody, even on your very best day and if you had unlimited resources! Don’t aim to offend or hurt people, but we can’t please everybody. So, just aim to please God and help people (not vice versa). He’s delighted when you trust Him (Hebrews 11:6).

4. Stop procrastinating.

Not everything is our responsibility to do… but some things are. Do the things you need to do today. Make that appointment. Tackle the first 20 minutes of that project. Open your bible app before your news feed. Don’t put it off for tomorrow, because if we’re not careful, “tomorrow” becomes the story of our lives.

5. Stop being so hard on yourself.

We really can be our own worst critics with our internal lists of things we “ought” and “should” do and be. Jesus took all the commandments and summarized them into the two most important points: Love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself (Matthew 22:36-40; Mark 12:29-34). Did you read that last part? Learn to truly love yourself so you can genuinely love others. God loves you so very, very much; and there’s no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. He’s not criticizing you: Jesus is defending you! (Romans 8:1, 34-35 are great verses to go to if you need to hear it from God directly!)

Drop me or another member of the pastoral team a note if you’d like prayer or encouragement in this. You’re deeply loved and not alone!

Looking forward to seeing you at one of our Advent services soon,

Pastor Bronwyn

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