The one downside to summer, in my opinion, is a lack of snowboarding, but there are still so many amazing things about it. I don't know about you, but I love the change up of routines for our family fro
m the school year to summer. It feels so much more relaxed and our days aren't so planned out. There's a break from dance class and school drop off. Also time for new family adventures! We just booked a few of our favorite kind of summer trips, camping!
Even though we might not be in our usual rhythms of life, it's still a great time for fun events and gathering together. For Lighthouse we have a summer full of great times gathering together, having fun, and trying to stay cool.
As a whole church we also want to be gathering throughout the summer, besides just Sunday morning church services. We have events planned all summer long! Events you can come to just you, or with your family or with friends and neighbors. Time for us to continue to gather for fellowship and have a good time. Below you will find the whole summer calendar of all things FBC Summer! We hope that everyone of you will find some rest, a pool or some shade, and are able to join us for some fun this summer!
Memorial Day Picnic at Slide Hill Park | Monday May 29 | 11am-1pm
Yard Work Morning | Saturday June 10 | Time TBD
Post Church Potluck | Sunday June 11
Men's Breakfast | Saturday June 17 | Time TBD
Davis Farmers Market Meet Up | Wednesday June 21 | 6-8pm
Kid's Camp 2023: On the Case | Monday June 26th - Thursday June 29th | 9am-1pm
Movie Night in Fellowship Hall | Friday July 7 | Time TBD
Post Church Lunch | Sunday July 16
Davis Farmers Market Meet Up | Wednesday July 19 | 6-8pm
Post Church BBQ | Sunday August 6
Lake Day at Solano Lake | Saturday August 12 | Time TBD
Davis Farmers Market Meet Up | Wednesday August 16 | 6-8pm
Worship/Prayer Night at FBC | August 20 | Time TBD
Get those dates on the calendar and join us!