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What Kind of Giver are You?

Writer's picture: Bronwyn LeaBronwyn Lea

Dear Church Family,

Long before the days of Buzzfeed and online quizzes, one of my favorite things in magazines were the quiz pages. Whether it was to determine my Meyers Briggs personality type, or what kind of friend or foodie I was; there was something both entertaining and educational to learn about myself and also how others might be different to me. Quizzes aren’t just for bored teens, though: our marriage mentoring ministry relies on an excellent quiz to help couples prepare for marriage (Speaking of which: there’s a 2 hour relationship seminar this Sunday - check it out!) 

Recently I saw an “Are you Generous?” quiz, and was curious about it. I see so many different and delightful ways that our church family is generous towards God and towards people. As we worship God with our time, talents, and treasures, there are as many ways to do that as there are different people! If I were compiling a quiz (or a “diagnostic”, which is what a quiz wants to be when it grows up), here are some various ways I’ve seen generosity worked out…

What’s your Giving Personality Type?

“Spontaneously  Generous” - You are motivated by needs and reminders in the moment. An immediate need gets the most immediate response.

“Faithful So I Don’t Forget” - You know you want to be regularly generous and don’t want to have to even think about it - so you have monthly contributions set up on your bank account. 

“Cautious yet Committed” - You give a little but are nervous about what you’re giving to and whether there will be enough. You’re growing in faith and generosity.

“Long Range Planner” - You live modestly now but have included special gifts or a charitable trust in your estate planning.

“One Day...” - You want to give generously but circumstances are not allowing that right now, so you’re sharing what you can of your time, meals and service to enrich people around you.

“Better Late Than Never!” - You meant to do something last month (and the month before!) but you’re great at dropping off the “make up gift” later. Your friends have definitely received the perfect birthday gift weeks after their actual birthday. 

“Special Occasion Splurge” - You’re a regular giver and you also have a plan for when you have a little extra: you tithe from your annual bonus, or when you get a salary increase, and you give the raise from the first month away. It’s still a bonus for you, and you get to share the bonus for added blessing!

Whatever your giving personality type, know that God loves a cheerful and generous heart (2 Corinthians 9:7). He sees even the tiniest thing you give sacrificially and generously (like the teensy yet huge gift of the widow in Mark 12:41-44). God is so generous, and when we reach towards generosity, I imagine Jesus smiling and saying: “Isn’t that just like our Dad?” 

Whatever your giving style, be encouraged this week. If you have an opportunity to be generous (whether it’s sharing lunch with someone or setting up online giving at church), may it bless you when you do that. Let the Lord’s promise encourage you this week:

“God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work… You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:8,11)

Be blessed, as you are a blessing,

Pastor Bronwyn

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