Sundays at FBC
Join us for Worship on Sundays at 10 am
We’ve all been “new” somewhere, sometime. It can it be an uneasy feeling. We look forward to welcoming you and helping you to feel at home.
What should I expect?
On a typical Sunday morning you will notice that we are a multi-generational community with opportunities for all ages. To make your visit easier, we have people who are part of our Welcome Team to greet you and answer any questions you may have. They are easy to find near the entrances into the main lobby.
Welcome Team members will be happy to point you in the right direction and help you get your kids to the right location. Following our services you can check out our Connect Table in the Courtyard.
What do I wear?
There is no dress code. You will find that people wear what is comfortable for them. Some prefer casual and some like to dress up a bit. Come as you like!
What is the service like?
Praise and worship are a vital part of our Sunday morning gathering. The words are projected to the front of the Worship Center so all can read or sing along. After a time of praise led by our worship band, we hear a 30 minute sermon from God’s word. This preaching aims to be relevant, practical, and dynamic as it focuses us on Jesus and the good news of grace he offers, and our individual and collective response to it.
Our services last between 60-70 minutes. After the service, if you have children, please pick them up. Enjoy some coffee in our plaza, visit our Connect Table and meet some new people or learn more about FBC.
I have children. What is available for me?
At FBC, our adults and youth (7th-12th grades) meet indoors inside the Worship Center.
Our children (nursery through 6th) are welcome to join their family in the worship service. Alternatively, they are invited to go to their age-specific kids groups. Kids Groups meet in the following rooms: Ages 0-23 months in the Nursery; Ages 2-3 in Room 2; PreK/Kinder (Age 4-Kinder); 1st-2nd in Room 4; 3rd-4th in Room 9; 5th-6th in Room 8.
How do I get or stay connected?
We have regular newcomer events and member classes, and we encourage you to join a home group or other small group or ministry. To learn more, you can fill out a connect card at the Connect Table or fill out our online contact form. You can also contact any of the other staff. Finally, subscribing to the FBC eNews will give you access to our monthly newsletter.